Source Code


Indigenous; aboriginal; native

"When meeting a Native American person, don't ask if they are an Indian, a Native, or a 'skin'....just say "Are you indin'? Then they will see that you know what you are talking about." Chief Eaglefeather, BINAY Tribe

by James Cox August 29, 2006

23πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


Frybread (also spelled fry bread) is a Native American food, found throughout the United States. Frybread is a flat dough fried or deep-fried in oil, shortening, or lard. The dough is generally leavened by yeast or baking powder. Frybread was created in the 1800s, when Native Americans were forced onto reservations and given rations of flour and lard by the government. Native Americans did what they could, and fried bread in lard.

Would you go get us some frybread from the vendor before Grande Entry begins?

by James Cox March 18, 2007

26πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

buffalo cum

Road construction term: The white petroleum based release agent applied to the steel forms for concrete curbing etc. to prevent the forms from adhering to the curing concrete when they are removed.

You better spray some of that buffalo cum on the forms or you'll never get them off without fucking up the curbing.

by James Cox March 18, 2007

4πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

frosty adult beverage

a ice cold beer; a welcome cold liquid treat on a hot day

Hey, does anyone here want a frosty adult beverage?

by James Cox August 31, 2006

5πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

closet christian

A follower of the person of Jesus Christ who chooses to follow the His teachings but does not feel compelled (or fears) to share or propogate his personal faith among others.

That dude lives the life but he don't say nothin'...he must be a closet Christian.

by James Cox November 13, 2006

66πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž


The opening to the gas fillpipe of an automobile.

That idiot left the gas pump nozzle in his SUV's gashole just pumping away while he went into the store to buy ciggies. I guess that he can't read the instructions on the pump.

by James Cox September 26, 2006

31πŸ‘ 52πŸ‘Ž


Payable Upon Death; name of a San Diego based rapcore band

If you don't find forgiveness for your sins, they will be POD.

I saw POD on Howard Stern Radio Show a few years ago; Howard tried to piss these guys off during the entire interview but they kept their cool.

by James Cox August 31, 2006

24πŸ‘ 197πŸ‘Ž