Source Code

guitar hero

A simulatory game that is played on your game system using a game paddel that is in the shape of a guitar, has five buttons (called fret buttons) and a flipper that is supposed to represent all six strings in one! sounds pretty cool huh? well guess what if you have the time to dick around learning to play shit on that, that doesnt even MATCH the song, then just buy a fuckin guitar for $100 instead of the game and learn how to play that instead.

nOOb to guitar hero: WTF why dont I just run home and get my guitar so we can play a real song Mike
Guitar hero junkie: uh, duh, but we have everything that we need to play REAL guitar on my PS2!
nOOb to guitar hero: faggot..

by James TH April 2, 2007

37πŸ‘ 71πŸ‘Ž

the sunday effect

the the the duh effect on sunday knowing that the next day you have to go to school, possibly the worst feeling in the world knowing that the next day starts the long sleepless week at school. The effect can often start on a saturday night and ends abruptly monday morning when you know there is no turning back.....

person 1: hey dakota whats the matter?

person 2: dammit james, its saturday night and i just had the best time drinking tonight and i cant stand to think that tomorrow is my last day to sober up before i have to go back to school

person 1: my friend, it seems you are suffering the sunday effect

person 3: lets just go play some guitar hero

person 4: fuck you alessandro

by James TH April 17, 2007

11πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Van Halen

A really crappy band, and the last name of an over-rated guitarist who thinks that he was the king of the world back in the eighties. They gave a bad name to rock and roll with their poppy sounding love songs and big hair. David Lee Roth to this day stands as the gayest lead singer of all time, even gayer than Judas Priests singer and he's actually gay!

Fuck VAN HALEN lets play some Iron Maiden!

by James TH April 2, 2007

53πŸ‘ 212πŸ‘Ž


The musicians word for playing music with their musical chums. In contrast to what most say, this word, although used by many, will never be "over-used".

guitarist: hey dakota lets go jam down at jays place!

bassist: sounds good!

by James TH April 2, 2007

36πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž

Zelda Ocarina of Time

By far the greatest of games ever made. It was voted by Nintendo Power magazine as the best N64 games of all time and holds true to all critic. It is by no means a game for little kids, its graphics although not up to our Xbox360 standards, the gameplay is hard as hell if you are new to the game as we all were at one point.

Zelda Ocarina of Time is the best game of all time, hands down.

by James TH May 3, 2007

283πŸ‘ 53πŸ‘Ž


As the name suggests, any guy that is unlucky enough to have womens genitals. In other words, the guy has a pussy.

in sentence :
Yo man, i just saw that guys mangina.

as a diss :
fag, go suck a mangina.

by James TH March 23, 2007

15πŸ‘ 61πŸ‘Ž

Claudio Sanchez

The lead singer of one of the greatest bands ever! and also a very well energized lead to coheed and cambria. He impress all with his abilitly to play coheeds conventionally unstructured music, lead guitar, and sing (at a very high range) at the same time. Also write all the music and lyrics for the band too!

Many criticize Claudio for his high pitched vocals (and although someone has already mentioned this) have you ever tried singing in that key, not that friggin easy eh? and also outside of the singing he actually realyl has a low voice. Also remember that coheed is all about the story, the voice could always be a way to portray the story to the listener.

cool kid: Fuck yeah! you can play guitar and sing just like claudio sanchez, i want to be just like him

dumb-ass kid: I hate this band, the singer has too high of a voice!

by James TH March 22, 2007

154πŸ‘ 59πŸ‘Ž