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cocaine smile

Phrase used to describe the showing of teeth by a shallow, empty, completely void person-See Positively 4th Street. This gesture is almost always totally see-through by people with any self-esteem what-so-ever. People whom smile this way do it to hide the fact that they are completely miserable. It is not limited to people on drugs, however, when doing cocaine almost noone ever smiles while high on the drug-thus the emphasis on the gesture being absolutely empty. This is a tool that dishonest manipulative people use to get what they want and or take advantage of someone.

James: Damn, P, Jen has got her highbeams on tonite.
P: No kiddin' man! She flashed me that cocaine smile of hers trying to get me to buy her a drink...Fuckin shallow bitch.
James: Yeah i know.... How the fuck did we ever get mixed up with that bitch???
P: I have no idea......

*GIA felt completely empty after her last shot was gone and the sickness was approaching...but she put on her best cocaine smile to finish her shoot so she could get paid*

by James iz October 16, 2006

27👍 37👎

The Roots

The most amazing, groundbreaking, & innovative band in Hip-Hop today. One of the only groups of all Genre's that bless the fans with an even better album then the last with each new release. The band evolves and innovates every step of the way.
The band's latest release Game theory is the 7th release and the best one yet. For true fans of the group the flava' at times seems to touch back on Things Fall Apart and even Organix while maintaining a newer, never attempted direction all at once. The album is seamless. One can literally see the track change, however, you cannot HEAR it. Its flow eminates genius. One might compare its transitions and non-stop streaming to that of Dark Side of The Moon.
While The Roots remain the most under-rated band in hip-hop today, all fans agree: There Is no other Hip Hop act out there bringin it like this.

B-boy 1: Yo' sun you got dat' new Roots joint?
B-Boy 2: Word, sun.
B-Boy 1: Yo, spin dat shit B!
B-Girl : (to busy throwin' down to talk)

xPJx : The Roots Crew is The Illest!
Black Thought : No Doubt.

by James iz October 15, 2006

202👍 25👎