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A steroid for your inner groin

Mate giz a contabulac there mate

by James.E.123456789 May 23, 2019


The cunts in warzone who shoots people out of the sky with their pistols before even landing

That cunt is the biggest flanjuilente ive ever seen

by James.E.123456789 November 20, 2020


A lemon is a simple, condescending and demeaning way to insult somebody who deserves it. A person who is referred to as a “lemon”, is simply a useless human, wasting oxygen.

“You are a fucking lemon”
“Mate the lemon fucking head of you”
“Size of your lemon head”

by James.E.123456789 May 16, 2019


A person, who is so uniquely stupid Its not even funny. Someone who is a Mongulont has about 4 brain cells from ear to ear.

“You Mongulont”

“You are the largest Mongulont on the fucking planet earth”

by James.E.123456789 May 17, 2019