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Located just outside Fort Wayne and home to volumes and volumes of middle to upper class families. Also known as Leo-Cedarville, this small town has yet to invest in stop lights, and has recently acquired the much-anticipated CVS Pharmacy. Despite the seemingly primitive nature of Leo, the town is home to gossiping parents and pampered children.

Widely considered "stuck up" by generally all surrounding high schools, the population's youth is either suffocatingly Hollister-clad or exhaustingly emo; fake bake versus deathly palor, in short. They attend Leo Careers Major Academy which they know is a joke, but they play along anyway.

Young money supplies new homes, new cars, and interesting behavior. Soccer moms flood the road(s) as they cavort in their SUVs. The attitude is generally friendly, social, and seemingly tight-knit. It's where everyone knows your name... and your business.

That chick from Leo was hot, but a bitch!

by Janie L May 13, 2007

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