A type of money in a game called ROBLOX
You:I need robux
Friend:How many?
You:450 Robux
Friend:It only cost 4.99$
You:Imma buy it with my own money then
The Uno reverse card meme trend began around May 10, 2018 when a user linked Uno to the existing "No U" meme. It was a natural fit given that "No U" is an anagram of "Uno." From there, users on the Internet transformed the "No U" Uno card meme into the Uno reverse card meme and hilarity ensued.
Bill:U fat
Jack:*uses uno reverse card*
Bill:Oh no im fat now
Like someone like minecraft SAY THIS WORD OR SOMETHING
Minecrafter:I like minecraft.
Robloxer:If you hate roblos and you think its garbich and childich then get out of my bage beacause all you gonna see is roblos G O O D B Y E.
10👍 5👎