Lund + Hindu
Combination makes fun of Hindus for worshipping stone dicks using the Punjabi word for dick.
Lindus really believe worshipping a stone dick will make their's grow
Lindus mad at Sikhs for drinking milk
That Lindu said cow sh#t cures cancer
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Term for Indians which originates from Ajit Pai & his opposition to net neutrality.
Short form of his name.
Gained fame on 4chan due to its association with a street shitting meme.
Hindu nationalists claim it's anti Sikh slur from Canada.
A Sikh politician has been favored by young women for most of the last decade.
Pajeets are ruining the internet
Pajeets should be included in TND
Black pajeets call themselves Aryan while chanting Sanskrit verses calling for their deaths
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Female Pajeet
Usually skinny fat from a carb heavy diet
Entitled due to an skewed gender ratio and mass starvation & malnutrition in the subcontinent
That pajeeta was dancing with her fat rolls out
That pajeeta smells like stale crackers & some unknown spice
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