ROBLOX is a game that has a handful of good games, and even less good people. Other than that, the 6 - 10 year olds rule the place, reporting your for no reason (I said the color black when someone asked me to say a color), misusing the word noob, fucking other roblox characters and posting memes, screeching like an autisitic, gay armadillo. The game is getting shitter by the day, so if you stumble across this, drink bleach before being asked to a fake prom by a 7 year old, who is maturbating while his dad whips him, causing the sound to echo around the ghetto he lives in. Fuck, that was random.
Roblox Player: OMG U KILLED MEH, YU NOOBY NUB11!1!11!111
Fellow Schoolmate: Nice Skechers, faggot
Roblox Player: *Pulls out shotgun* GET REXT!1!11!!!
*Day passes*
News Reporter: Yesterday morning at Sandy Hook Elementary...
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