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Shorthand way to say AEW or All Elite Wrestling.

*superplex from the top rope*
Crowd: "AEDub! AEDub! AEDub!"

by Jayaway July 12, 2019

12👍 1👎

dub dub

The more convenient way to say WWE.

AJ said, "Did you catch me on dub dub yesterday?"

Kenny said, "Yeah, you lost to the Best in the World on the Biggest Stage of Them All. Now that's why we kicked you out of our Club."

by Jayaway April 11, 2016

33👍 12👎

Holy macaroni

An alternative to saying holy mackerel

Martínez said, "Jesus, did you see that?!"

Jesus said, "Holy macaroni! I did!"

by Jayaway August 1, 2016

26👍 2👎


A behavior of sportsmanship that is exhibited in areas that are not sports.

The two politicians were at each other's throats during the campaign, but they exhibited sportsmentality after the results of the election were in.

by Jayaway May 18, 2017


The abbreviation for All Elite Wrestling, a professional wrestling promotion founded in 2019.

Joey: "AEW is gonna be better than WWE."

by Jayaway July 12, 2019

167👍 82👎