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Dank Nuggets

When one buys a fresh sack of weed that contains buds in the shapes of little nuggets. Usually very convenient as each nugget tends to be the perfect size of a bowl. One will also get more bang for their buck because these nuggets are normally broken off the stem thus not including the stems when weighed out for size. Conclusion - me weed and less stems

1. A sack of dank nuggets is better than a sack with one big nug because there are usually lest stems.
2. You got dem dank nuggets I'm tired of plucking to much or too little from these big nugs nigga.

by Jayta June 10, 2008

4👍 17👎


Slang term for a cigarette

1. Ayo I god dem p phunks in my car you want a cigski or is it just me.
2. Can i get a cigski braski?

by Jayta June 10, 2008

1👍 2👎


Short word for Kicked, when a bowl is finished and is ready to be ashed out.

1. Man the bowl is k-ed, blow that shit out da window.
2. Chad: Hey Brad is that bowl k-ed?
Brad: Why yes Chad the bowl is indeed k-ed.
Chad: fuck that Brad let me hit it
(Hits pipe and coughs)
Chad: Oh Brad...now its K-ed

by Jayta June 10, 2008

6👍 20👎


Personal Bowl, When one has the urge to smoke without the urge to share. Usually smaller in size but can vary depending on how blitzed you plan on being.

1. I went to my car and loaded a PB during lunch to get me through the rest of the work day.
2. I got enough weed to get me high nigga I can't smoke you up imma just load me a PB.

by Jayta June 10, 2008

4👍 7👎

Fast Break Blunt

A blunt rolled from the black in mild fast breaks. Small in size making them convenient for a short break at work. Also convenient for a nice buzz or if your feeling a blunt but don't have enough ganja for a full one.

1.Yo bro i gots to be back to work in 5 so lets make his a Fast Break Blunt.
2. I dont gots enough weed for a blunt and my pipe broke so i should do the perfect Fast Break blunt.

by Jayta June 10, 2008

2👍 1👎