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Noun: The Re-Telling of a joke that you already tried to tell but it fell flat or no one heard, so you try to make the same joke again when you should have just let it go. Just let it go, man...

Background: On a talk show once, George Clooney made a joke that apparently no one heard. Everyone was still laughing about something else. So he waited a moment until everyone finished laughing, and then repeated the exact same joke a SECOND TIME. That time he got the laughs for the joke.

SEE ALSO: Pulling a George. This one is much more nefarious. In this instance someone ELSE made a joke that nobody heard... except for you. And then when the laughter clears, you STEAL THEIR JOKE and tell it as if it was YOURS... so you get the laughs for THEIR JOKE. Don't pull a George, asshole!

"Dude, your joke was lame enough the first time... Definitely not worthy of pulling a Clooney!"

by JeffThaDov January 22, 2022