"Draem" is similar to Dream in a way but different, although it uses very much similar logic. It more to do with the relationship to the reality rather than just the subconscious.
Draem meaning : the subjective assessment and unravelling of metaphysical and spiritual constructs along side the awareness and understanding of parapsychological phenomenon within the quantum/ aetheric grid of conciousness /light / 'reality' (used loosely) that manifests as physical whether it be a gas, liquid or solid like frequential matter (light projecting onto, over or entwined with light).
Draemers, Draeming (being awake and experiencing the Draem we're in), to Draem is to become aware that you're Draeming. Draemwalkers, are those who understand enlightenment and endarkenment to be the same and life is harmonised comprised of both as everything is one.
Dreaming and being able to experience this Draem, how this world is intertwined through frequency, energy and matter - reality is electro magnetic, everything has an aura.
Draems are like dreams but you experience it with your eyes open and you call it reality.