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Junior Year

Junior year means you are FINALLY an upperclassmen after 2 years of crap in the underclassmen ranks (The Freshmen and Sophomores) Meanwhile, Freshmen are the newcomers, Juniors are busier than before, and the Seniors are partying and having a blast about graduation and going off to either college or work. Nobody really cares about the Sophomores.

Junior year also means you have to focus on which college is right for you and still have another year of homework and stupid responsibilities. Good luck

Junior 1: Since I started Junior year, I'm still going to get tons of homework 24/7. But, hey! At least Junior year is one of the exciting years!

Junior 2: Ikr! We're finally upperclassmen after 2 years of crap in the Freshmen and Sophomore ranks! Finally! Now, we can worry less about being bullied as well!

Freshman 1: Well, first year of high school. Hopefully I won't get bullied 24/7

Freshman 2: I heard that most upperclassmen can be kind of mean

Sophomore 1: Geez, sophomore year sucks. Nobody really gives a crap about us

Sophomore 2: Ikr

*Seniors are just partying. No pun intended*

by JellyBean600 August 3, 2018

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Spaghetti Kiss

A spaghetti kiss is when 2 people (a man and a woman) share a large plate of spaghetti while out on a date. However, while they are trying to slurp up the noodles, they end up eating off the same end of one noodle, thus resulting in a kiss. This is shown in the movie Lady and The Tramp.

One time, I was out with my boyfriend at an italian restaurant. We shared some spaghetti. We didn't realize we were biting off the same noodle, and ended up kissing. It was amazing! That's what I call a Spaghetti Kiss

by JellyBean600 February 28, 2019

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Wally Gator

A show on Hanna Barbera from Cartoon Network. The show features Wally Gator. Who is an alligator, of course. The plot involves Wally who escapes life from the zoo to explore the real world. He runs into various obstacles in each episode, thus trying to avoid the trouble in various ways. However, Wally is not usually seen as a welcoming character to others. People often see him as trouble whenever he is present outside of the zoo. The zookeeper, on the other hand, notices that Wally is already gone by the time each episode starts. Wally intends to go to various locations, such as Red Riding Hood's cottage, An aquarium, or maybe even a public park. At the end of each episode, Wally returns by himself to the zoo. In some cases, somebody will return him there. Mostly, he voluntarily returns.

Wally Gator was a popular cartoon back in the 1960s. We hope this may entertain your children. This should give them morals not to be like him.

by JellyBean600 June 19, 2018


- The brother of your father/mother.

- Also, the husband of your aunt.

- The member of your family that loves you as their niece/nephew.

- If you are the niece, he could be calling you cute nicknames, such as... Cutie pie, Sweetie pie, His Favorite Niece, or anything he can think of. He can also make-up some jokes to crack you up!

- If you are the nephew, he could be playing sports with you when he has the chance, put you in a headlock (He probably wouldn't do that in real life), or maybe even challenge you to an arm-wrestle!

- No matter what, your uncle will always love you.

I have the best uncle in the whole wide world! And I'm sure glad he loves me as his niece!

- JellyBean600

by JellyBean600 July 19, 2018

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That time of the month where us ladies have to put up with blood spilling out of us. LITERALLY. In other words... Menstruation.

Periods can also make your body have cramps, which are one of the most annoying things to have if you're a girl and a woman.

Here are some annoying things about periods:

- Spilling out Niagara Falls when you laugh or cough (at unexpected times and places)

- Cramps, which make me feel like hormones are having recess inside me

- Bloating, which makes me feel like a fat person is sitting on me

- Random food cravings, which causes me to feel sick to my stomach an hour or two later

- Feeling crappy (tired) at random hours of the day

- Walking in an awkward way whether it's at home, school, the mall, or any other public place imaginable

- When I run low on pads or tampons and I've got none left, I end up stuffing a bunch of toilet paper in my pants. Literally. A lot!

Periods... That time of the month where you feel like crap the whole time and that everyone should watch what they say, because it could make you blow-up any second...

by JellyBean600 December 29, 2018

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Perv Glasses

Perv glasses are basically sunglasses with reflective lenses. Which means that people cannot tell if you're looking at them or not, because they can't see your eyes. Some people use these types of sunglasses to avoid an awkward situation with someone. For example, if a student happens to see a teacher outside of school, they'll pull out their sunglasses, put them on, and just do what they can to avoid him/her. Pretty simple operation!

Student: OMG! That's my math teacher over there! Time to pull out my perv glasses!

*Student puts on sunglasses*

*Teacher looks over at the student*

Teacher: Hey, Matthew!

*Student keeps walking, ignoring the teacher*

Student: Now that's what I call... "The Great Escape"!

by JellyBean600 February 5, 2019

Nerd Glasses

Nerd glasses are either glasses that have lenses or don't. When you're wearing ones with lenses, they look a bit more realistic. When you're wearing ones without lenses, you look like a nerd, meaning you also pretend to be an intelligent person, since they wear glasses too.

Check out my nerd glasses! They do not have any lenses! Now I can go out and pretend I'm somebody else! LOL

by JellyBean600 July 16, 2018

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