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comes from the word "crackwhore" means a stupid male/female that has done something uncalled for, then they are called crackhoes.

1)Shut up you stupid crackhoe!
2)That crackhoe just took my money!

by Jennifaa March 4, 2005

6👍 23👎


a great mate, shes great
she rocks, she is REAAAALY madly funnAY
like Z0eEY
mwahahhah she knows what im meaning bout teehee

damn ur gr8......ur like z0e:)

by Jennifaa March 28, 2004

ya mama

came from the words, your mother... originally used by black people to insult ones mother.. now white people just say it in a high pitch to be annoying.

YA MAMA is a hoochie

by Jennifaa March 4, 2005

21👍 22👎