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edward cullen

The hottest vampire to ever grace this earth! He has bronze hair, topaz eyes(they used to be green) and super pale skin(due to his being a vampire and all.) He has two sisters and two brothers, all adopted. He lives in Forks, Washington and loves Bella Swan.

He is better than Jake, because he isn't an insensitive jerk who forces himself on other unsuspecting girls who then break their hand trying to hit him in the face, and always will be.

He is the most romantic person on the face of the planet, even though he is a fictional character from Stephenie Meyers Twilight, New Moon and Eclipse

No one is hotter than he is.

Edward Cullen is the smexiest man alive!

by Jennifer Joe January 15, 2008

763👍 834👎


First things first. Emo does NOT mean emotional. People who are emo are NOT always depressed. They can be happy and hyper too. They do NOT always cut themselves. These typical stereotypes are NOT true. Get it through your head, mkay? And the music that is labeled as emo, is not really emo at all. If everything that was sad was labeled emo, "Beautiful Girls" by Sean Kingston would fit into that catigory. Jeez, people.

Secondly, emo boys(or girls, depending on if you're a boy or girl) are the sexiest people to ever grace this earth. Anyone else just won't measure up.

Thirdly, emo boys/girls are NOT all gay. Just because a guy wears tight jeans or puts on eyeliner doesn't make him gay. Actors wear makeup all the time. And the pants look extremely hott on guys. And the dyed hair doesn't make them gay because people dye their hair all the time. So what it isn't super bright green or pink or red? Their just colors, get over it.

Its called expression.

Girl one: Look at him! He's so amazingly hott.
Girl two: I know! I loved his emo pants.

Girl one: Lets go be emo.

by Jennifer Joe January 15, 2008

10👍 11👎