A reference to a popular Canadian children's show, featuring a little puppet who always appear to be hallucinating, or high.
Definition: To be overwhelmingly high, but still conscious and aware, but ultimately have no clue what is going on. A reference to a popular Canadian children's show, featuring a little puppet who always appear to be hallucinating, or high.
Definition: To be so overwhelmingly high, but conscious and aware, yet still have no idea what's going on. To experience your surroundings as if you've never seen them before, and be as curious as a high 3 year old (aka, Nanalan'). It can also mean to abuse substances in excess, wherin the high makes you feel in a dreamy state.
I just smoked a ton of weed, and am Going Full " Nanalan' " on that plate of Cannaloni
A small quantity, usually pertaining to the measurement of liquids.
Her: Can you pour me some moonshine?
Him: How much dear?
Her: Just a shniffle please!
Him: Coming right up!