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A shortened word for Kush. Kush is now the prefered Cannabis in Southern California by "ritzy" smokers. Much higher in Price than regular Cannabis Sativa.(about 200 Dollars and OZ more) Kush is Cannabis Indica, a higher quality strain. Also known in Los Angeles is "Da Ku" A Clothing Company im not sure where it is Based but i met one of the owners at Warped Tour in LA this year and i got a sticker.

Yo man pack another bowl of that ku. Hey bra chill off that ku for a while you look way to stoned.

by Jeremy Hasenbuhler March 27, 2007

27πŸ‘ 85πŸ‘Ž


To be in a state of blur. So intoxicated visuals become blurry. Most commonly known as Pro Smoke Talk. Definatly unknown to those who aren't down with the herbage. To want to smoke so much your in a blur. It may also be used with alcohol but it not common.

Dude, im so blur. Aw man i had a hard day at work, lets go get blur.

by Jeremy Hasenbuhler March 27, 2007

152πŸ‘ 46πŸ‘Ž

Ku Ku

A slang term for cannabis indica, Also known as kush. Thought to be the best strain of marijuana. Ku-ku or Ku or even ku ru is what we like to call it for short in California even though Kush is already short enough.

hey man that Ku Ku was bombay.

Put sum of my purple ku ku in that blunt bro.

by Jeremy Hasenbuhler March 27, 2007

46πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž


Ҁ“adjective swanky; elegant; posh: a ritzy neighborhood; a ritzy hotel. After the Ritz hotel. A very illustrious description of someone or something.

Those people at the party were just to ritzy for me. That hotel was just way to ritzy for me, im going to motel 6.

by Jeremy Hasenbuhler March 27, 2007

68πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž