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Horc comes from the Nordic word "Horcerer," who was a type of highly regarded Icelandic fighter in the 9th and 10th centuries, in part due to a psychotic state induced through the consumption of mushrooms, mead, and undercooked beef. During battle, the contents of the Horcerer's stomach would mix and form what the Nord's called "The Cauldron of Anger," which would foment and spew forth in a hot chunky spray. This precurser to today's pepper spray would immobolize opponents for several minutes, giving the Horcerer's companions time to maim or kill. Today, the word "horc" is used to describe any spewing forth of the contents of one's stomach onto another person or animal. Otherwise, the word "vomit" is appropriate.

Pablo was out of control at the cock fight last night, finally concluding the evening by horcing all over Pupenstein, the undisputed cockfighting champ from Honduras.

by Jerry Manderpubes February 15, 2005

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A condition of extreme pain and confusion resulting in violence directed at all living things.

Sam and Jason disliked their roommate, Stonks, considerably. One night they put jalapeno juice in his eye contact solution so that the next morning, when he put his contacts on,Stonks fell to his knees in writhing agony. Knowing someone had to pay but not knowing who, Stonks went apestonkers on Rio de Janeiro, sending thirty humans and other mammals to the hospital, including many who were on the wrong end of a Stonks donkey kick.

by Jerry Manderpubes January 24, 2007

6👍 3👎


A condition of extreme pain and confusion resulting in violence directed at all living things.

Sam and Jason hated their roommate, Sir Slippstonks. One night they put jalapeno juice in his eye contact solution so that the next morning, when he put his contacts on, Sir Slippstonks fell to his knees in agony. Knowing someone had to pay but not knowing who, Sir Slippstonks went apestonkers on New Orleans, sending 30 people to the morgue including rap star Bushwick Bill, who was on the wrong end of a Slippstonk donkey kick.

by Jerry Manderpubes November 14, 2006

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