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Adjective, ingenuine and often belittling way of commenting about virus epidemics. Incompetent, snide way of joking to avoid responsibility for public health issues.

The president spread dangerous public health misinformation and instead of taking responsibility he brushed it off as harmless SARScaustic remarks.

by Jerry.g.g April 25, 2020


v. to sabotage your own plans by causing a crisis, literally crashing a vehicle rather than face your destination

If you’re so afraid of getting to work you can always procrashtinate on the drive there.

by Jerry.g.g June 30, 2019

cirrhosis of the lover

n. heartbreak, a breakdown in romantic affection, emotional scars from being dumped repeatedly

She went from punch-drunk to a bad case of cirrhosis of the lover.

Cirrhosis of the lover is responsible for most divorces these days.

by Jerry.g.g December 16, 2016


A stupid ditty, doofimism - a garbled saying or jingle

If you're gonna throw that kind of stupidditty around here, you better brace yourself for a sound verbal drubbing

by Jerry.g.g November 26, 2016


n. The techniques used to make thread and yarn expand lengthwise. The scientific discovery that allowed the development of modern yoga pants.

The world would still be covered with saggy butts if Spandex hadn’t developed the stretchnology to shrink-wrap those asses.

by Jerry.g.g March 14, 2019


n. a lady in stylish pre-Colombian inspired attire., adj. inspired by Pocahontas

Selina was all vogueahontas with that fringe on her deerskin vest.

by Jerry.g.g November 27, 2016


n. a dude’s ballsack; v. male orgasm assisted by squeezing his nuts

Her action was smooth but when she reached around and grabbed my sack it made me instantly scroconut.

by Jerry.g.g April 4, 2019