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Bimoran Day

Bimoran Day is an unofficial Persian Holiday that has been cherished by people for years. This holiday has been celeberated on January 23th for years, in order to appreciate the importance of honesty. "BiMoraN" actually stands for "Bikhodi Mora-at Nakon" which means don't bother yourself, and don't lie to make others happy; Say what you really feel and before worrying about others, worry about yourself. People are used to lie about how they really are feeling so they can keep others safe, but what about your own safety? On this day, we cherish honesty and the greatness of revealing our true feelings without a doubt.

Fereydoon: Dad, what should I tell her/him?
Padar: The truth, son. This is Bimoran Day.

by JerryTheFather January 23, 2019