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false capital

When large well known cities are not the capital of a state, the capital usually winds up being a city that no one ever hears about. Examples, Harrisburg PA, Albany NY, Carson City, Nevada etc.

Person: Wtf? Philadelhpia isn't the capital of PA? NYC isn't the capital of NY!!?!? Las Vegas isn't the capital of Nevada?!?!?

Me: Yup, there all false capitals

by Jersey kid January 26, 2008

27πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

new jersey

East Coast State. Lots of stereotypes are false about this state just like there are false stereotypes about your state.
- Capital is Trenton
- Three regions, North, South, Central
- We DON'T say Joisey, we say Jurzee
- Depending on where you live you are either close to NYC or Philly
- Lots of rich suburbs, ghetto cities, and beach towns
- The beaches aren't dirty, they are actually clean and have some of the biggest waves I have ever seen
- People are really into sports, football, soccer, lax, etc.
- Lots of hot girls and a lot of ugly ones too.
- It does not smell. If you think it does you obviously have been on outskirts with lots of factories which doesn't smell that bad anyway.
- We have lots of pizza shops, bagel stores, and malls.
- Most people in Jersey have respect for New York and Pennsylvania. We aren't trying to compete with them, we enjoy there large cities and they enjoy our beaches, fare trade off.
- Trenton, Newark, Camden, and Patterson are considered "Ghetto". It doesn't mean you are going to get shot for walking it just means don't be retarded, say the n word, or start shit with people.
- Most people are either Philly Eagle Fans or NY Giants fan
- A lot of people move here for our schools (good public schools and private schools as well).
- We have; irish, jews, blacks, italians, mexicans, pueroricans, hindus, muslims etc. We are a very diverse state
- We are a Northeast state
- A lot of people here falsey stereotype the south as dumb. I realize that Southnern people are for the most part just as smart.
- There are some really good and bad drivers. Honestly the bad ones are Asians, Indians, Old people, and women.
- We are short tempered but funny people.
- We have some celeberties that were born here.
- Right now we have a population of about 10 million.
- We know we are small but we are STRONG

Jersey may not be the richest, or have the biggest cities but it's my home. I love it here and so will you if you give it a chance. No one says Joisey. From North Jersey, down to South, and back up again to Central we are strong. We love were we live and wouldn't trade it for the world.

by Jersey kid November 2, 2007

119πŸ‘ 53πŸ‘Ž

New Jersey

Stereotypes: We all live by malls, factories are everywhere, we apparently have an accent that we've never heard of before, we all are Italian and gel our hair, we are just a giant suburb of NY and Philly, we all smoke alot and we must come from Newark or Atlantic City because those are the only two NJ cities you know.

The Truth: I can't speak for all of NJ but I do live within 45 minutes of 3 malls, but what's so bad about that? Factories are only in Northeast Jersey that is real close to NYC, and they manufacture half the shit you buy, we have to put them somewhere. No one ever says "Joisey", we say Jurzee and the accent you think we have is more like a crushing combonation of Staten Island and Boston. Jersey Accents are more subtle and most people talk like they're from Philly or NY. We aren't all Italian, infact only 17% of NJ is Itailian but yeah I am Italian but there's nothing wrong with that, and no we don't all gel our hair or wear Gucci sunglasses. We are like a giant suburb of NY/Philly but with attitude, our own cities and towns, and a beach. And No we aren't all from Newark or AC,there a lot of towns in Jersey that I've never heard of before and I lived here for all my life.

Out-Of-Stater: New Jersey sucks.
Jersey Kid: Have you ever even been here?
Out-Of-Stater: Yeah I drove by Newark on my way to NYC
Jersey Kid: That's not the real New Jersey, that's like going to Compton and saying that you've seen all of California, or going to inner city Detroit and saying you've seen all of Michigan.

by Jersey kid May 24, 2008

89πŸ‘ 39πŸ‘Ž

New Jersey

Let me clear somethings up

1. We don't say Joisey, we say Jurzee I think we would know how to pronounce our state's name

2. The only part of the state that has industrial factories is in the Northeast part that is real close to NYC

3. We have shores, not beaches

4. We have garbage dumps? Naw, your thinking of Staten Island, New York home to the biggest dump in the world

5. We're all in the Mafia? Nope, New Jersey is home to Italians, Irish, Blacks, Indians, Jews, and is a diverse state, stop hating on Italian people anyway, I'm Italian and don't know anyone in the mob.

6. We are small boring state? We might be small but it's not THAT boring, we have six flags great adventure, home to King Da Ka, many malls, beaches, cities (Jersey city, Atlantic City, Newark, etc.) and concerts. If you wanna be bored go to North Dakota.

7. We have a horrible accent, like Cawfee, gawjus, dawg, baygal? Not really, our accents are not that strong and a lot of people aren't even born and raised in Jersey. I know people that moved here from Illinois, South Carolina, and New York so alot of people that your hear talking haven't even lived here for half their lives.

8. We're poor? Pshh, as of 2008 we are one of the richest states, yes CT is richer stop bitiching.

9. Suburbia? Yes are our suburbs are home to soccer moms, PTA meetings, and SUV'S. But suburbs are actually not that bad, we don't have to worry about getting shot, or killed, we can stay out late without getting arrested, you get a lot of friends, no racial tension, no gangs, and we all go to colleges.

10. New Jersey is the same everywhere you go in the state?
No, Northeast Jersey is industry, Rest of North Jersey like Bergen county are rich, and their are ghettos like Newark, Patterson, and Elizabeth but their not that bad. Central Jersey, home to suburbs, Trenton the state capital and shores. South Jersey has Atlantic City, close to Phily, and the best shores in the state.

Kid: Ew your from Joisey, that's not as good as my state!

Me: I guess you don't like beaches, King Da Ka the highest fastest rollercoaster in the world, Queen Latifah, Redman, Derek Jeter, Kevin Jonas, Ashley Tisdale, The Sopranos, House, Princeton, cause they're all from New Jersey and I'm loving it.

by Jersey kid March 21, 2008

92πŸ‘ 54πŸ‘Ž

new jersey

- House the show on Fox takes place in NJ
- We have the fastest rollercoaster in the world, Kingda Ka
- We have awesome beaches, LBI, Wildwood, Island beach etc.
- Queen Latifah, Redman, Derek Jeter, Kevin Jonas, all from NJ
- Sopranos a show on HBO about North Jersey mob

Ignorant dipshit: New Jersey sucks!

Me: Than why do we have two hit TV shows about us? Lots of beaches with huge waves, famous people, and the highest/fastest rollercoaster in the world?

by Jersey kid February 14, 2008

58πŸ‘ 102πŸ‘Ž


What everyone wants you to be, but no one wants to hear

Girl: Come on! Be honest am I fat?

Guy: Fine, honestly your fat.

Girl: Wtf is wrong with you faggot? I fucking hate you.

by Jersey kid February 2, 2008

530πŸ‘ 181πŸ‘Ž


I don't get why everyone is bitching, American Eagle, Hot Topic, Pac Sun in the end it's basically the same thing except a different style of clothing. The clothes are somewhat overpriced but their comfortable and are what's "in" now.

Abercrombie wearer: Ew look at those emos

Hot topic wearer: Ew look at those preps

Me: your both getting played, the stores are basically the same concept just one is more mainstream clothing while one trys to be unique and different.

by Jersey kid March 21, 2008

66πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž