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Flat Foreign Females (Internet slang, chat)

An Abbreviation used by U.S. teens/young people to refer to a non-U.S. woman or girl who has a small breast size and who behaves in a submissive, envious and adoring way when she meets U.S. women/girls with a more feminine body shape and a larger breast size than her own. This quite a rude internet slang Abbreviation is commonly used by Caucasian U.S. teens

"There were a number of FFF at the Pool Party."

by Jess_Houston_TX April 19, 2015

305👍 146👎


Flat Foreign Females (Internet slang, chat)

#FFF (also "FFF" or "fff") is used by U.S. teens/young people to refer to a non-US woman or girl who has a small breast size and who behaves in a submissive, envious and/or adoring way when she meets US women/girls with a more feminine body shape and a larger breast size than her own. This quite a rude internet slang abbreviation is commonly used by Caucasian U.S. teens

Flat Foreign Females (Internet slang, chat)

"There were #FFF on the beach."

by Jess_Houston_TX June 21, 2017

32👍 24👎


International Breast Shape Standard.

A global reference standard used mainly for R&D purposes in garment/lingerie industry and medicine.

In Lingerie industry IBSS is the most widely established international breast shape standard referred to for the purposes of new product design.

by Jess_Houston_TX February 21, 2016

5👍 2👎