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1. Random silly humor
2. Spontaneity

1. To be humorously random, most likely in an everyday situation.
2. To be spontaneous or all of a sudden.

I love all the bozang in this show! It's awesome!

Holy Heavens! That bum fight was so bozang!

Haha! Did you see Herbert? He went completely bozang during the wedding!

by Jessewtrs October 14, 2005

59👍 8👎

Hollywood walkaway

Very similar to the Hollywood hangup. Two characters in a movie are engaging in conversation, and person A says something insightful and walks away, while leaving person B to think about it.

From "Kingdom of Heaven"

Tiberias: Jerusalem has no need of a perfect knight.
Balian: No. It is a kingdom of conscience, or nothing.
(Hollywood walkaway)
Tiberias: (damn...)

by Jessewtrs April 28, 2007

5👍 4👎

Hollywood walkaway

Very similar to the Hollywood hangup. Two characters in a movie are engaging in conversation, and person A says something insightful and walks away, while leaving person B to think about it.

From "Kingdom of Heaven"

Tiberias: Jerusalem has no need of a perfect knight.
Balian: No. It is a kingdom of conscience, or nothing.
(Hollywood walkaway)
Tiberias: (damn...)

by Jessewtrs April 29, 2007

2👍 3👎