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First of all i want to say that most of the entries on feminism are disrespectful and infuriating. The arguement that feminism states that women are better than men was created and is sustained by insecure men who are afraid of patriarchy tumbling down on their priveledged ignorant heads. WAKE UP people and look around you. all those "examples" of brain size, decreased male entry into college, etc are just excuses to either degrade women or only superficially examine the issues of gender equality.

1.)respecting people of all genders (recognizing the diversity in sexuality, from homosexuals, transgendered, heterosexuals and transexuals) as human beings that deserve to be treated with respect.

2.) recognizing the past inequalities that have historically denied women access to many social, economic and political spheres that are mostly occupied by men.

3.)Recognizing the result of these inequalities have lasting impacts today

respecting a person enough to ask their consent before having sex

not seeing a woman as an object but as a human being, this means making eye contact not checking out her body

listening to women (and men of course) respectfully as you would men

if you are a heterosexual straight white male, check your priveledge when talking about equality and recognize other people's experience as valid instead of monopolizing experiences relating to gender equality

feminism is RESPECT

by Jessi Ristau May 9, 2008

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