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A completely lame and anorexic-ish person who tends to forgo food when her other friends are eating. This person will usually make the others feel uncomfortable and/or fat while they are eating their own meal. Typical behavior of an anorexalameo is marked by multiple excuses, such as: "I just ate a large lunch" or "I'm not hungry." This person is usually a skinny beotch.

"We all went to lunch at at the burger joint and out for ice cream afterwards. Kirsti didn't eat anything at all the entire time and sat and watched as we ate our food. What an anorexalameo!"

by Jessica Crisler February 8, 2008

10👍 10👎


An extremely messy and unorganized youth

Holy crap, Chris, stop being a McSlug and clean up your room!

by Jessica Crisler June 20, 2008

3👍 2👎

take one for the team

1) When the spouse (y) of person (x) has sex with the person (x) so as to improve the overall demeanor and attitude of said person (x)


2) The brave act of one person buying a Woot Killer item so as to advance the Woot off for the benefit of others

1) "Wow, that lawyer Terri is being such a beotch! We should call her husband and tell him to take one for the team!"

2) "Oh crap! It's another Roomba on Woot! Somebody take one for the team and get rid of it!"

by Jessica Crisler January 25, 2008

26👍 53👎