An enforcer is a violent guy that fears absolutely nothing so they are extremely agressive and can intimidate anyone, hired by someone to kill or beat people by money, the mafia is used to hire them for vengeance or to adjust some personal business and also carry lots of them. They usually looks like bodyguards, they are talls, using a nice suit with dark glasses and a microphone in their suits to comunicate themselves with each others.
They also are called goons and thugs and in latin america they are called matones and sicarios.
Enforcer 1: Hey this is the guy that the boss wants to beat up?
Enforcer 2: Yeah, let's beat him!
Afther the punishment...
Enforcer 1: That was easy!! Let's get out of here!
Enforcer 2: Ok let's trow the body onto the sea so the sharks will clean the evidence >:)
Enforcer 1 & 2: Bwahahahaha!!!
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