Masturbating after consuming large amounts of redbull, resulting in a fap so strong, you might even catch fire.
Person 1: dude, what happened to that hand? Damn
Person 2: fire fapping, bruh
Looking into a perfectly safe issue deeply just to find something negative only for the purpose of ridiculing it.
Person 1: Devin's always a little extra nice, seems abnormal. I think he's a twat, maybe even shady, who knows.
Person 2: oh come on, he's just nice to everyone. Enough with the screwtiny.
The act of taking the complete music from a classic and adding crappy lyrics to it, and in the end claiming it belongs to you.
Guy 1: doesn't this track sound exactly the same? Wtf?
Guy 2: lol it's called sampling bro. It's an 'art'.