A game on ROBLOX where ages 6 - 60 go to have e-sex. Typically gets banned after about an hour and usually has a Discord server dedicated to uploading these games. Includes avatar modifiers which add male/female genitalia as well as an animation GUI. Short for Scented Condos, and is interchangeable with "Cons Scented", which is a play-on of "Consented". These games usually have a program which disables the chat filter.
Typical conversation in a Scented Cons game:
6-Year-Old: abc if u wanna have Sex
53-Year-Old: abc
mom: what are you doing???
6-Year-Old: playing roblox
mom: get off that game right now
53-year-old: oh yeah harder
mom: what is that person saying????
6-year-old: nothing
mom: *breaks laptop and beats 6-year-old*
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