Ninety-seven (97) is a number that comes before ninety-eight (98). It is used to tell when there are 97 of something.
There are 97 nuclear bombs going off in our town!
18👍 21👎
The first and only media character on the net that it fun, crazy, awesome-voiced, and virtually a drug. A GOOD drug, mind you.
Oh, just visit!
There are many-a-word that are very strange. One being: banana. Banana had three a's, two n's, and one b. Where's HOMESTAR RUNNER the originality? I mean, it could've been called: "Weird Crescent Shaped Fruit o' Doom." Or maybe: "A Fruit that is so shi- oh shoot, time's up.
11👍 11👎
Homestar's girlfriend, a seriously deformed character that's sweet, kind, nd an annoying bi- I mean, tree-hugger. She rocks. Yep.
Making Out With Marzipan!
The Cheat... the cheat...
8👍 10👎