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A fucking sexy guy with a Mohawk and a huge dick in his pants!

Steven: fuck you
Mario: fuck you
Jihad: uno Reverse card bitches

by JihadMcCool February 1, 2020

2👍 8👎

The Immortals

The immortals are a group of 4. We don’t have a leader. We are pretty much a clut of guys. Here’s the list for all the members so far.

JG: The Muslim
ST: The mad man with the plan
NJ: The anime lover
GG: A comic pro with problems.

Guy 1: hey is that the immortals
Gio: Yup
Noah: yessir
Jihad: yeah boiii
Steven: oh yeah baby

by JihadMcCool September 27, 2021

The immortals

The immortals are a group of 4. We don’t have a leader. We are pretty much a clut of guys. Here’s the list for all the members so far.

Jihad: The Muslim
Steven: The mad man with the plan
Noah: Noah pro fighter lover 247
Gio: A comic pro with problems.

Timmothy: Hey are those the immortals?
Cy: I think so

Jihad: Yup it’s us.


by JihadMcCool September 27, 2021

Ms T

A fat lazy bitch who has nothing better to do than call the police on a 12 year old for getting their backpack. (Also is to lazy to get a better job then a 5 dollar a hour teaching job.)

Jihad: C-can I get my backpack please?
Ms T: No go to the office before I call the cops bitch.
Jihad: fuck you
Ms T: *dials 911 with sausage fingers*
Jihad: *shakes ass in air* FUCKKK YOU BITCHHH

by JihadMcCool March 10, 2020

2👍 8👎


Things Giovanni aka fg3 does

Steven: hey is that gio?
Mario: yeah
Jihad: suckafatcock

by JihadMcCool February 7, 2020

3👍 7👎