"Daddy Cakes" was originally coined by two Dad's having fun for breakfast with their kids, family, and friends - it snowballed from there and they left their corporate jobs to make "Daddy Cakes" available to everyone. They trademarked the term "Daddy Cakes" and created Daddy Cakes International, LLC based in Newport Beach, California. They have a super cool line of baked goods mixes for todays generation, and sell housewares, apparel, and accessories. Most of their products are of limited release as they want their customers to have a somewhat unique experience. As far as I know, they are the one, the original, and only "Daddy Cakes" so it's a totally legit brand.
1) Check out her top, it's from Daddy Cakes. 2) That "Daddy Cakes" cupcake belt is da bomb! 3) These "Daddy Cakes" taste awesome! 4) Liberal Kansas enjoyed "Daddy Cakes" during International Pancake Day
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