Ancient form of martial arts kept in total silence from the world until it's recent emergence into a handful of the worlds cultures. All within the past 50 years or so. It has always been kept hush hush, with instructors carefully selecting a rare female student that must meet each of the three criteria: A) must be devoid of any element of feminist. B) has an unnatural and totally unprovoked hatred toward any penis-bearing person C) is so manly that even the slightest reference to her in a vaguely sexual sense will burn the ears of he who heard it, then cause him to gouge out his own eyes and remove and eat his own penis to ensure his own safety. This style of hate-fighting is consisted of 90% fist-based manuvering
Did u see that she-man? Of course I handed my wallet over in fear of a dyke-Kwon-do whooping
What one would call a "colored" resident of a ghetto who becomes delusional to the point of finding some type of psychosis-driven sense of pride in thee shithole community and goes as far as to step in and fight the locals as if they think of themselves as a respectable force of community protecting lawman... (You can find them in An inner city neighborhood that's run down far past the point of being condemnable as a whole. In many cases resident are accustomed to a level of filth so rank the CDC won't even quarantine then for fear of its workers being infected by the jungle fever)
I sure hope my word is approved, because it would really suck if they let it be reviewed by some "oppressed by whitey" type (aka "less-than-pale" type...) Who would love the chance to take on a nigalante role in the matter, jumping right outta that cubicle they've been granted through the work furlough program and jumping right up on Jesse Jacksons coat tail and ban my work just to be a dick
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