1)The most annoying group of people you could ever associate with in life.
- Like to point out every little thing about the book series thinking that other people actually enjoyed reading the books or watching the films, which will eventually be a big flop since the release of the New Moon movie.
2)People who enjoy reading Twilight cause other literature was too hard to read.
3) Epic failures.
1) Girl-Oh Em Gee GO TEAM JACOB
Boy-stfu you're such a twilighter!!!
2)Ay dunno howz 2 reed Steevin King bookz so ay luk smart reeding a b00k aboot vampyrsss
3)girl-I bought all the Twilight books, saw every movie up to date and have a poster of every Twilight character in my room! omg Edward is soooooo hawttt!!!
boy-how much did you spend on that?
girl-probably over 200 bucks.
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