Source Code

shimmy up the mule

1. Doing something pointless.
2. The term shimmy means to dance shaking from the shoulders. A mule is another word for donkey Aka ass. It literally means dancing with an ass. In modern lingo means dancing with a phat ass bitch.
3. Also refers to masterbating. Sometimes fantasizing about donkeys.

Tyler was feeling lonely so he desided to shimmy up the mule.
When I go out to clubs I shimmy up the mule.

by Jimboozie October 14, 2003

4πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Pop smoke

1) Make up any excuse to get away from your curnt situation, often envolving poorly constructed lies about needing to something you forgot or going out for a smoke (if you smoke or not).

2) When a stituation gets bad and you have no firesupport from your friends but you need to get the hell out of dodge RIGHT NOW. Your only choice is to pop smoke. ie When your pinned down by a fat chick chating to you in the bar and your buddys won't come any where near you to bail you out.

2) Make up any excuse to get away from your curnt situation, often envolving poorly constructed lies about needing to something you forgot or going out for a smoke (if you smoke or not).

3) Popping smoke will often save you hours of awkward conversation and wishing you where dead. It is slightly nicer then just walking away from someone or telling them to shut up.

After Tyler banged that fat chick he picked up at the bar, then he popped smoke and got the fuck out of there before she stopped jiggling.

by Jimboozie May 7, 2004

38πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž


Young girls of high school age that dress in skimpy clothing.

Tyler almost crashes his car driving by highschools staring at all the schoolies.

by Jimboozie October 15, 2003

29πŸ‘ 103πŸ‘Ž


1. Any pubic hair from the top of your ass crack to the chota.
2. When ones balls hang unubstructed and free to slap on your legs they are in full dingle.

I let my balls dingle over Tylers face for a minute before I t-bagged him square on the lips.

by Jimboozie October 15, 2003

7πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž


1. The king of all fags.
2. A nick name fags call each other.

Hey whats up its Tymeister the fagmeister.

by Jimboozie October 15, 2003

19πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


1. A brutal pounding of ones ass.
2. When the spot between the anus and the balls becomes severly brused. Often from ass pounding by someone bigger.then yourself.

After Tylers time in prison his T-dub was hardened from years of T-dubing.

by Jimboozie October 13, 2003

20πŸ‘ 56πŸ‘Ž

get retarded

1. The acted of getting so drunk that you act like you are mentaly retarded.
2. When something doesn't make any sense especially at work.

Tyler wanted to get retarded this weekend, and acomplished his mission when he couldn't even get out of the van with out falling.

Convergys is getting more retarded all the time.

by Jimboozie November 4, 2003

64πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž