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Throne of Nunda

The 8th badge of Pokemon Orange: Badgequest. The most epic of all badges, even outweighing the Toilet Seat of Volga and the PFD (Personal Floatation Device) of Arlington. The only adventure left after achieving this epic badge of righteousness is to attend the Pokemon League Badge Battle at Marlin's in Mitchell, SD. The elite 4 is disguised as drunken bastards, and must be defeated to achieve Legendary Pokemon Trainer status. Then, and only then, will the Kongo Cave be opened.
Also equal to the Cincinatti Bagel.

We have the Throne of Nunda! Saggy boobs for all!
Throne of Nunda! Throne of Nunda! Throne of Nunda! Throne of Nunda!

The Throne of Nunda is being attacked! You BROKE THE THRONE OF NUNDA!

by Jimmy and Ash Ketchum November 14, 2007

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