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Magic Mythology

A type of magic that illustrates biomistic power has the ability to bounce the earth like a basketball. Enlightens the moon and moves with the stars is capable of eliminating the powers of voodoo and witchcraft. Religious deciphers juggle one wheel on the bicycle and make words of craftsmanship on instrumentals lyrical.

Magic mythology is used by kahiem and other religious deciphers try to imitate the practice but he brings out the originality.

by Jinaist Policies May 5, 2021


Roel's interpretation like his flag green for land , black for the people, and yellow for gold with the flags slogan out of many one people. It means being soleimy can only interact with one other individual giving them devoted time and loyalty.

Oliver: Di jinas dem mi sey dem soleimy nuh ratid dem bring fire with wire ya cant beat the jinas dem.

Informa #1: Every time mi si kahiem mi ah go bun di weed enuh

Kahiem: Unu afi learn to finess the work after me give unu directions mon ya si dem bwoy dey weh all a watch me mi get $7 watch with tactical shoes but its not necessary because if i feel im a target i will play lottery numbers and by night if i hit in your city your hostages will be in a zone of danger.

Im not talking about Salami with chicken and pork im talking about soleimy from the golden plated violens of the songs of solomon.

by Jinaist Policies May 28, 2021


A triangular trace of global dimensional figures that is similar to the pyramid and its ancient hierarchical messages written in texts. Featured on Kahiem Roel's album Trap Davinci and is defined as a fortune that gives pleasure of completing one's mission in the form if triangular traced dimension in the coventry of god.

Kahiem Roel has SimpSet making Spotify an elite music streaming network.

by Jinaist Policies May 14, 2021

Reverse Offense

A shots being made from a distance and is timed by following it from that shot that was released from the time it was engaged in shooting the release the one being targeted ticks on the ticking clock in opposite directions and is accurately a worlds obdominating and pinpoints those that rebel in target. Reaches its goal destinations and was perfected upon the release of well funneled exahaustion.

Kahiem: You want to see me beat the shot with the tic on my watch or should i be digitally hard on myself ill reverse offense by defeating the offensive defense that is hurting the ankles that have been outstepped in the arena of movements and has been grasped with the hands of a virtual hand karate chop.

by Jinaist Policies May 18, 2021

Sikh Jinaist

A preliminary act of fundamental organizing with commemorate knowledge with adjucating principles with gambling rank far more than leveling leverage of high percentage doesn't quote or believe in Shakespeare or any educated quotienator.

Sikh jinaist is the jinaist organization authentication

by Jinaist Policies October 16, 2021

4👍 3👎

Mada Kina

A sikh jain strategy conducted with mackrel with tomatoes sauce a plot conducted every monday Wednesday Thursday Saturday or Sunday by the sikh jain coalition Tuesday is a chouce that we either buy or sell. This an approach to god and his benefits from chanting learned by the ladies of japan. Though China is top sellling the general toast chicken with rice.

Kahiem Roel: yall can laugh and i ger my 5% thats why i try not to laugh period i dont give 5% unless you deserve it

Cup of water ?

Yeahhhhhh!!! Mada kina

by Jinaist Policies June 8, 2021

Jinaist Policies

Regulations of the metric system planning system plan to invest your actions in the right probability. Gambling risk are an extreme factor in policies. Has a 70% chance of winning bets from dealers. He can benefit from investment from other individuals if they qualify as religious deciphers. Mutual funding everyday to regulate the right conduct and principles of JINAS.

Kahiem : Can you spare any quarters, nickels, dimes, pennies to regulate my metric system ?

Customer:*Thumbs Up*

Customer: Here's .35 cent take it and go take care of yourself

.35 can include savings that can make a share of more than 7 %

Investor: Remember Be careful out there

Jinaist policies has to be regulated on a daily basis it's the power of one 🕐

by Jinaist Policies April 3, 2021