Van is the heir of the country of Fanelia, from the anime series "The Vision of Escaflowne".
Van-Of-Fanelia rescued Hitomi from a dragon in the first episode of "The Vision of Escaflowne".
1. (Noun) Officially SPAM (TM) is the pork based meat product made by Hormel.
2. (Noun) In the 1970s the British comedy series Monty Python created a skit where a couple asked what was available from a restaurant. The waitress read off the available menu, and nearly every dish contained SPAM:
"There's SPAM and eggs; bacon, SPAM and eggs; SPAM, SPAM, and eggs... etc."
A group of Vikings sitting in the restaurant began chanting/singing: "SPAM, SPAM, SPAM, SPAM" making it hard to hear, and forcing the waitress to occasionally yell for them to shut up.
During the 80s the term SPAM was used, in reference to the Monty Python skit, to refer to newsgroup messages that were posted to multiple newsgroups. Since most of these were off-topic ads, the term eventually came to be used for unsolicited e-mail as well.
3. (Verb) To constantly repeat something over and over again. In video games this is often used to refer to using a particular skill or action multiple times in rapid succession. (e.g., to spam fireball) (adj. form: spammable)
1. SPAM can be fried and eaten on a bun as a SPAM-burger.
2. There's so much SPAM in this newsgroup it's hard to follow any conversations anymore.
3. Flare is one of the first spammable skills you can learn in Guild Wars. Being able to spam a skill makes it highly useful.
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