Source Code


1. i'm all for it
2. damn striaght

jizack-hey kundi you up for smoking za fuckin' huge blunt?

by Jizack April 15, 2003

5👍 5👎

bonus points

Phrase to yell out when somebody has done something so awesome that a one handed high five is almost an insult, therefore you exert them to a double slap. If a person yells this and does not receive the requested action they are currently the biggest loser in the general area.

note:not a fake def. just may have not have caught on in your area, i suggest you use it as soon as possible!

1. 1st time used(kinda stupid):
#1-"I have a question for you"
#1-"Do you walk to school or do you pack a lunch?"
#3(passerby)-"Dude! BONUS POINTS!!" (double high five occurs)
#2-"You guys are fucking idiots."

2. Modern Use:
ALEX-"Just do it"
JOE-"No, I'll get in trouble"
ALEX-"Wow Joe, you really suck at doing anything that involves balls"
BOBBY-"Yeah, accept for tea bagging"
(double high-five occurs)

by Jizack February 23, 2005

10👍 82👎

skin heads

An often misunderstood group, even by those who claim to be one themselves. Ignorant neo-nazi's ruined their name; are often subject to unjust critcism from unaware public.Can be gay black etc. Beleifs often displayed by their shoelace color. Characterized by shaved heads, boots, black clothing and mostly listen to oi punk rock.

Bill-"What happen to that skinhead kid"

Happy D-"'bunch a whitey haten brothers
jumped his ass, thought he was
an ass-hole neo nazi."
Bill-"that shits ignorant"

Happy D-"yea, but their heart was in the right place, fuck neo-nazi racist bastards"

by Jizack February 23, 2005

81👍 68👎

Portugese Man of war

This shit right here is when you make the saix in a bath tub, or pool.Request to be on the bottom and while your lover is hittin' that shit you leave leave a heapin' pile of doo-doo in the basin of the tub.

While Mike and Zach were bathing Mike felt a sexual urge, Zach did not, but Mike forced him to perform anyway.To reap sweet revenge Zach let his bowls loose and produced a most fabulous Portugese Man Of War in Mike's bath tub

by Jizack February 19, 2005

16👍 92👎