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Fusion poo tang

The smell generated within a public toilet cubicle when the 2 cubicles either side of said cubicle are occupied by two separate gentlemen simultaneously parking their breakfasts. The fusion of brews can oftentimes make for a very unique combination of fruity aromas.

Moreover the scent can become more interesting yet if the two gentlemen belong to cultures at very different ends of the culinary spectrum.

"Was caught between James and Abdul this morning and the fusion poo tang was unrelenting!"

by Jock Waffle November 16, 2022


A penis that is so pathetic, yet somehow does the job anyway.

"He's only got a little wigglesmiggler but he's father to 7 healthy children"

"When we got back to his and he pulled out his wigglesmiggler it was so awkward but he had me climaxing like an eastern European midget full of Mandingo blacksnake"

by Jock Waffle September 4, 2017


Someone who is completely intolerable.

"Tom did you see that thing with Piers Morgan last night?"

"Nope, I can't watch anything with that fucktwat without wanting to kill something"

by Jock Waffle September 4, 2017


Like "epic", except not for cunts.

1. Have you heard that new dnb tune? It's fucking millennial!

2. Jesus I've got the most millennial boner.

3. Only millennial cunts use the word epic as an adjective.

by Jock Waffle February 6, 2017

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Poo tang

The sharp, acidic smell which creeps under the partition and hits your nose in a toilet cubicle when someone in the cubicle next to you is parking their breakfast.

"Jesus christ, Jeff... the poo tang in those thunderboxes this morning burned all my nose hairs out."

"It's a very nice bar but the WC always stinks of poo tang".

by Jock Waffle November 16, 2022