Someone who frequently preforms the act of fellatio and is reputed for "swallowing".
John and Bill jizzed down Sara's throat, she is a total mayonnaise jar, do you know her number?
14π 17π
An enormous woman. I mean really fucking fat.
Damn, she's a World of Loving
8π 9π
Getting fellatio after performing anal sex
I anoraled that girl
13π 6π
Getting fellatio after having anal sex
Dailey got anoral from Tighty-McGighty
6π 7π
A person who rules the GNVQ ICT suit with an iron fist. dimmocricy is not welcome here!
6π 24π
All as charlesManson says <top>
Also the inventor of the wheelbarrow and automatic Arbalist.
Zhuge Liang, Priminister of the Shu army during the Han dynasty.
7π 22π
something that just had the stupidest shit ever happen on it
and so senator kerry has conceded form the election
9π 29π