When a sequence of numbers such a phone numbers are cobbled together in an auditorally displeasing way
A: Yea, my number's 777-7777.
B: bro, that's bad number flow
when adorkable just isn't cute enough and needs some extra cuteness.
A portmanteau of adorable, cute and dork.
i.e. That German girl with the thick framed glasses is so adorcutable... so adorcutable I need to portmanteau three different words together.
Best Buds 2 Da Max! - Friendship of an order higher than just 'Best Buds', but of an order lower than the coveted SDBB2DM, or 'Supeyr Dupeyr Best Buds to Da Max!'
Karl! Why we not BB2dM already??
Max! O sige, we are da BB2dM.