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Mayo on that Vert’

Slang term for the act of ejaculating on a women’s back

Spencer last night screamed, “mayo on that vert’!” before finishing all over her.
Braeden will not stop talking about how he mayo’d on that vert’ last night!
Mr. Brown was horrified to find mayo on his wife’s vert’ when he got home.

by JoeShmoe13 July 3, 2024

Flippin' the Burg, Extra Mayo

The act of flipping over a woman during missionary to ejaculate on her back.

Cameron, you know you have to stop flippin' the burg; no extra mayo anymore.
When prompted for what Tyler wanted to do in bed tonight, he said, "Flippin' the Burg, Extra Mayo!"
John at the party really flipped the burg with extra mayo!

by JoeShmoe13 June 17, 2024