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Frank Iero

Rhythm Guitarist (or back-up guitar) and Back-up Vocals for the famous band My Chemical Romance or sometimes known as MCR. He won sexiest vegitarian for 2008. He is a very good looking man, and is married to the beautiful Jamia Nestor (Now Iero, I presume) some people have trouble pronouncing his surname (It's pronounced Eye-Year-Oh) He had trouble in High School with bullies and he is an AMAZING guitarist, he has LOTS of energy while at shows.

Recently has gained a couple of pounds and all the crazy, poser fan-girls are MAD at him about that, which I think is ridiculous.

He had quite a few previous bands before finally joining with My Chemical Romance, for example; Pencey Prep (I use this as an example because its the most known I think..) but it broke up. He now also has a side-project band with the name leATHERMOUTH, who by now probably have MILLIONS on poser fans claiming they 'love' the music, but the fact is they only like it because Frank is apart of it, they probably don't even know what he plays or does.

I for one think Frank Iero is one of the sweetest men on this planet, he actually gives a fuck. He's always talking about how we should do at least one good deed a day and stuff like that, he is truly inspirational.

He is also the shortest member of MCR, he is about 5'5" inches, and in the Helena video he says that he wasn't even tall enough to carry the coffin, he was just touching it.

Crazy Poser Fan-Girl: Omgzz lyk hu iz dat reli fit guy from that band?! the short guitarist!

Actual Real Fan Of MCR: What band?

CPFG: That band who sing that song with that reli fit guy in it!

Actual Real Fan Of MCR: =/

CPFG: They sing Teenagers!

Actual Real Fan Of MCR: My Chemical Romance?

CPFG: Yeah! I knew that was their name!

Actual Real Fan Of MCR: Frank Iero...


by Joelenne February 16, 2009

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