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A “whomp” is when you take a gigantic hit of a blunt,bong,rig,bowl, or roach coach.
Once someone takes a whomp it is only proper if the other smokers say whomp in sync if they believe that the hit was big enough to be considered a whomp.

Ryan c: yo I’m about to take a fat whomp

*takes huge hit of bong*
Everyone: whommmmp

by Joeseph albert January 26, 2019

pulling the plastic

Pulling the plastic is when you are roach coaching a clip that is burning so low that the plastic is on fire and you are inhaling (pulling) the plastic smoke

Conor: What was wrong with Lee last night he was acting weird

Ryan c: Lee was wildin last night, he was straight pulling the plastic

by Joeseph albert November 19, 2018

Pelvic thrust

A hard slapping of the pelvic area accompanied by thrust of hips simultaneously

Josh richberg does an amazing pelvic thrust

by Joeseph albert February 7, 2014

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