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Most misunderstood county in New York, subject of many stereotypes.
There's a lot more to WC than rich kids and IBM.
People automatically assume things when you tell them you're from Westchester.

Yes, I'm of Eastern European descent. No, I'm not related to organized crime.
Yes, I am prescribed Prozac. No, I'm not addicted to prescription pills.
Yes, my family is "comfortable". No, we're not insanely "rich".
Yes, I enjoy nice things. No, I'm not a snob.

I drive a Volvo, not an Escalade.
I enjoy the cultural aspects of Westchester, I am not obsessed with popping my collar, my diamond encrusted iPhone, or my Beamer.

And I am not a "rich kid pretending to be poor" or "ghetto".
I never claim to be "hood" or "under privileged", I wear Versace AND clothes from Goodwill, because I like it all.
It's a WC thing.

-"Where are you from?"
-"Oh, that explains it."

by JoeySeven77 May 9, 2011

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