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Prunked, when a person is punked by their own prank. For example, a person can be prunked while trying to pull their own youtube prank or social experiment only to find out, the people they were supposed to be pranking have conspired to punk them or trick them by performing the prank or social experiment on them.

JJ was on his way to shoot a scheduled youtube video in the park downtown in Wiesbaden Germany where he was to play a lost, homeless foreigner who has been stranded in Germany and does not speak German. His friends who are part if the casting crew secretly conspired against him the day before with a large group of local Germans to come up to him to see if he needs help but in English. JJ is actually confused because he is well versed in German and was hoping to surprise the locals by acting confused and speaking English at first until the Germans with strong accents tell him they only know English and speak nur ein bischen Deutsche(only a little German)! The locals then tell him in German that he has been, Prunked!

by Johannes2020 February 1, 2021