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Suny Geneseo

Ranked as the 2nd best public college in the north, this institution is the home of honor roll students who taste alcohol once and then it's on. Closed parties are enforced due to the local law that attempts to crack down on underage drinking but fails. If you are not on a sports team, club, or a part of greek life then you will drink alone. Mens Rugby is the largest club with an average of 60 members. Sororities include AOPI, ADE, SMAC, Sigma Kappa, and CLIO which is the worst. If you attend Geneseo you will get a great education but will develop a slight alcoholism problem. The most popular Fraternities include Kappa Sigma (gay), MAC, Crows, and notorious date rapers DK. You will be held in high esteem if you graduate but be prepared to drink or smoke your way through professors that went to Harvard, Brown, Columbia, Penn State, NorthWestern, and Johns Hopkins. Great school, great hockey, and an a nationally ranked rugby team.

"Oh I see you attended SUNY Geneseo?"
"Yeah, I'm actually qualified for this position, let me crack a beer."

by John Bangalore September 17, 2017

10👍 2👎