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In Spanish, colloquial way to say "guy" or "dude". Normally that word is used to refer to strangers.

Mira el coche de ese jambo. "Look at that dude's car"

by John Chillinger December 25, 2023


Utopical land located in a yet unexplored planet very far away from the Milky Way.

Did you see Esbasana just entered the Galactic Union?

by John Chillinger December 25, 2023


Word used to refer to very close friends. It's a colloquialism that means brother. Commonly used in Barcelona and some other Catalonia regions.

In English, the direct translation would be "bro", although the word "bro" is also used in Barcelona and Spain commonly.

This word is also used to refer to a male sibling.

¿Que pasa tete?

"What's up bro?"

by John Chillinger December 25, 2023