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ElSeif_CaSe- is a type of casing for identifiers in programming or strings of characters in general. Other examples include camelCase, snake_case, kebab-case, and PascalCase. ElSeif_CaSe- is essentially the haphazard mixture of all case types and may include some patterns not found in any other casing. It also describes the practice of naming variables that have the same meanings with different case patterns in the same codebase, which typically results in confusion for other programmers. It is named after an individual by the pseudonym El Seif, who is also known for capitalizing the common conditional syntax "elseif" as "ElSeif" to mark his presense in the code of any language that is not case sensitive for that keyword, e.g. SQL or PHP. If you find your elseif operators capitalized that way, who knows, maybe ElSeif has worked on your codebase.

A: Hey! Stop putting things in ElSeif case! The code is starting to look ugly!
S: But I like it like that.

by John Doseph May 16, 2022