Source Code


(1) To feed worms with a dirt nap that began around 12:30 am December 13, 2005. Shot in the arm by the anti-crime vaccine. Hooray for the needle.

(2) To show cawardice by founding one of the most despicable and hateful organizations in the history of mankind; fearing death because of your murder conviction; showing no remorse for killing four innocent people; and then writing children's books because you fear retribution for your crimes.

I hope they soon go Tookie on Scott Peterson, instead of letting him sit around for 30 years and find a reason we should feel sorry for killing him.

by John Heinz Kerry December 29, 2005

112πŸ‘ 100πŸ‘Ž

mongolian talking sickness

A disease, exclusively afflicting those of the slanty-eyed persuasion, that prevents them from using the plural form of any word.

Speaking as if there is only one of everything in the world.

The chow mein contain mushroom, onion, bean sprout, bamboo shoot, carrot, and noodle.

by John Heinz Kerry March 7, 2005

106πŸ‘ 57πŸ‘Ž


A crutch created by psychologists and used by American parents and teachers to avoid telling a child that he or she is a moron.

But, if there are no stupid kids, where do all the dumbass adults come from?

It's okay Eric, you got four F's on your report card because you have add, not because you're a fucking dummy.

by John Heinz Kerry March 10, 2005

37πŸ‘ 108πŸ‘Ž

Black Year

Similar to a light year, this is the distance a black person, traveling at the typical lazy-black-person-I-have-nowhere-to-be speed, covers over the course of a year. Equal to approximately three feet.

Maybe you could be at work on time if you'd travel a little quicker than a Black Year.

by John Heinz Kerry November 9, 2005

67πŸ‘ 59πŸ‘Ž


Gold or platinum diamond encrusted junk moon crickets put on their teefus. A guarantee that a person has more money than brains.

Nelly putted some grillz on his teefus, then proceeded to ruin them with a bucket of extra crispy.

by John Heinz Kerry February 24, 2006

249πŸ‘ 179πŸ‘Ž


Car owned by a stupid ass who can't spell people or Celica. See urbtards.

Damn! I shoold pay moor atenshun in skool so I coold lurn to spel goodur.

by John Heinz Kerry March 10, 2005

95πŸ‘ 346πŸ‘Ž

Bastardised English

What the stupid, inbred, hygiene deficient, snaggle-toothed limeys speak.

I know it probably pisses you guys off that we've come farther in 250 years than you could in about 250,000, but find some country in Africa to be mad at.

It's "aloo-mi-num", not "aloo-mi-ni-um"; "jag-war", not "jag-you-are"; and "toothpaste", not "what the hell is that stuff"?

by John Heinz Kerry November 11, 2004

65πŸ‘ 205πŸ‘Ž